The memory of the righteous is blessed. Proverbs 10:7

That restaurant. That flight. That beach day. We have our ‘thats’. Those specific memories etched on our hearts that become family lore. We collect them. While making memories is ongoing, the ones we make in summer are different. Life is freer. School is out. Vacations abound. Different schedules are in play. We get to slow down and create special memories, and then recall them.

When life slows down for individuals due to illness, old age, in-juries, and grief, memories come floating back to mind. Often it takes stillness for ‘thats’ to surface. But they are there. When memories return—unbidden—they help us to recall a different time and place with affection, gratitude and even remorse, which can bring healing.

Memories can be wonderful. Memories can also be challenging to revisit. For those who have suffered serious life changes and losses at specific times, certain remembrances are difficult to navigate. With time, healthy counseling, and faith, challenging memories can be weathered and healed. As always God redeems.

Tricycles, surfboards, golf clubs, and sandcastles can be spotted everywhere as summer memories are being made by folks young and old. The Lord grants the riches of His grace so that everyone can get out and enjoy time while there is time to enjoy. The lad that rides a tricycle for the first time knows as much glee as the man who uses his golf clubs again after an illness has passed. The Holy Spirit threads the initial memory with its later remembrance. Gleeful or challenging, looking back on the living of our lives has its merits and benefits. With time and God’s precious touch, He reveals those merits and benefits—in ways we could never see without God.

Ice cream cones, strolls on the boardwalk, amusement rides, and fishing rods are part of summer’s fabric. In every form of recreation experienced in summer’s stay, the Spirit of the Lord is there to make the most of our memories, the most of our lives.

Ever our Redeemer, Thank You, Father God, for all the joyful times of summer. The lightness of hearts as well as the heaviness of hearts still healing for reasons You know, fill Your heart. For You are with us day and night. Thank You for the numerous blessings that You bestow on Your children. Thank You for softening our spirits with summer memories. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.